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Monday, March 13, 2006

Iran refuses Russian plan

Tehran, 13 March (AKI) - Iran has rejected a Russian proposal to enrich uranium on Russian soil on Tehran's behalf provided the country ceases all enrichment activity, the Iranian foreign ministry said on Sunday. Iran's move showed that international pressure and the threat of UN sanctions have not changed the government's position on its nuclear programme. The UN atomic watchdog last week referred Iran's case to the Security Council which is scheduled to discuss action against Iran this week.

Foreign ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi said his country would like to solve its dispute with the international community, which fears Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons, through dialogue. However, he stressed that Tehran will continue its own nuclear research, including enrichment, on a small scale.

He said Iran would "not give in to international pressure to give up our rights to nuclear research."

The Russian proposal would require Iran to stop all enrichment activity.
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