Code Punk sinks to a new low

Code Pink activists who have distorted the legitimate struggle of Iranian women, for their human rights, to suit their own political and ideological agenda.
The top part of the picture is what the A. N. S. W. E. R coalition/Code pink activists, have photoshopped the top part of the photo (below), out of the original photo, shown in the bottom. First, they have mixed the picture of some western women to the original Iranian women’s picture. Then, not only they have made up slogans, in pink placards, they have even doctored the courageous gaze of the Iranian heroine into a Cheshire cat grin. The real sign in the back, in the original picture below, is calling for equal justice, not the irrelevant Arabic writing. The young woman in center of the photograph is holding a white sheet in her hand that reads: "We are the children of Cyrus, the pioneers of human rights," not JOIN US. Also the girl, on the right holding the large sign was not a part of this demonstration; she is yet from another photo taken last year at the Tehran University sit-in that was in protest against the Isalmic Regeims paramilitary stations around the University campus. Her sign in the original picture read: "This space belongs to us", not HOW MANY LIVES PER GALLON?
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