The Insatiable Desire to Believe...
The US media has an insatiable desire to believe that Islam is a religion, a faith similar to all other faiths, just a little rough around the edges. Besides the fear that their house may be burned down and their offices stoned and torched and their senior manangement may get a call from a Muslim investor in the company which may get them fired; they refuse to face the reality, in front of them, staring back.
Sher Khan has an excellent analysis of the media and their 'problem'.
Hush-Hush Cartoons by Sher Khan at
The MSM (mainstream media) is negligent. Negligent in their ignorance of Islam, negligent in their dhimmitude, and negligence in their patriotism. The jury is in and they are guilty. The sentence is dhimmitude, may they slovenly praise their new masters and pay the jizyah.
Sher Khan has an excellent analysis of the media and their 'problem'.
Hush-Hush Cartoons by Sher Khan at
The MSM (mainstream media) is negligent. Negligent in their ignorance of Islam, negligent in their dhimmitude, and negligence in their patriotism. The jury is in and they are guilty. The sentence is dhimmitude, may they slovenly praise their new masters and pay the jizyah.
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