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Monday, March 13, 2006

The Final Warning from Rakan bin Williams, an al-Qaeda Undercover Soldier in the United States, Threatening Twin Attacks in America

SITE Inst: A message entitled “The Last Warning to the American People,” composed by a purported al-Qaeda “under cover soldier” in the United States, Rakan bin Williams, and distributed in both Arabic and English by the Global Islamic Media Front, an al-Qaeda mouthpiece, today, March 10, 2006, warns of an impending twin attack on U.S. soil. He states: “The scale of one of them is larger than the other but both are large and significant. However, we will start with the smaller, and temporarily put the larger on hold to see how serious the Americans are about their lives.” Bin Williams also claims that the operations have been prepared and await only the execution order from Usama bin Laden.

The warning taunts analysts and intelligence operatives to discover the details of the “next Expedition,” and references the inability to find clues to the attacks in New York, Washington, Madrid and London to be pondered. In addition, bin Williams cites the refusal of the U.S. government to accept the “truce” extended by Usama bin Laden, and argues that this denial, coupled with the government seeking to empower Israel at the expense of Muslims and the media’s alleged obfuscation of truths of the war abroad as the justification for the intended attack. Bin Williams asks: “O’ you helpless Americans, especially those living in States far away from Washington, D.C.! Your country is comprised of many States that should not have anything to do with Muslims. Take the State of Arizona for example; what does this State have to do with killing Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq? What interest of theirs serving, helping, and siding with the Jews and Israel?”

As a means to avoid the “catastrophes,” the warning calls upon the American people to boycott the ABC, CBS and NBC media-networks, visit mujahideen websites, and “[r]esent the corrupted politicians in Washington, D.C. and demand justice, if they do not give in to your demands, you must declare autonomy so you may live in peace and security.”

In the past few months the name of Rakan bin Williams has appeared in Global Islamic Media Front publications warning of impending attacks, but not specifying a particular target. The introduction of bin Williams warns of attacks by Western European converts to Islam, in addition to another message threatening Italy and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. What was to be the last in the series concerning the “secret soldier if al-Qaeda,” a GIMF author speculated that the coming operation entered its operational phase.
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