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Thursday, March 16, 2006


Tehran, 16 March (AKI) - Iran has indicated it is considering 'direct negotiations' with the US over the situation in neighbouring Iraq. The announcement came from Ali Larijani, the head of the Supreme National Security Council, after briefing parliament in a closed doors session on Thursday. He told parliament that Tehran accepts the request made by head of one of Iraq's main Shiite parties, The Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, to negotiate with Washington on Iraq.

Since the call is made by a prominent Iraqi Muslim leader, Tehran accepts it in order to resolve problems in Iraq and to help establish an independent government and real freedom in that country, the state news agency IRNA quoted Larijani as saying.

"We will appoint a negotiating team for talks soon," he further announced.

Al-Hakim called on Iran on Wednesday to start a dialogue with the United States on Iraq.

Hakim's comments - to a gathering of his supporters - were televised on a Shiite television channel.

The US ambassador to Baghdad, Zalid Khalizdad, has also reportedly been active behind the scenes in encouraging dialogue between Tehran and Washington.

Thursday's session of the Iranian parliament was dedicated to the latest developments in the standoff with the West over Tehran's nuclear programme, following the decision by the UN's atomic energy wachdog to send the Iran nuclear dossier to the Security Council which has the power to impose sanctions.
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