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Thursday, April 06, 2006

China court explosion may have been suicide attack

A BOMB explosion at a courthouse in southwest China killed one man and injured a judge on 5 April. Officials in Sichuan province said they suspected it was a suicide attack by a man unhappy with the court's ruling, the BBC reported.

Country Affected China
Region Affected China and Northeast Asia
Date of Event 05-Apr-2006
Terrorist/Insurgent Group Name
Terrorist/Insurgent Group Type
Terrorist/Insurgent Group Region of Origin
Terrorist/Insurgent Group Country of Origin
1 Location of Event - Region China and Northeast Asia

Location of Event - Country

Location of Event - District

Location of Event - Place Name

Location of Event - Quality

Event Type
Damaging attack

Inside Assistance

Counter Terrorist Tactic

Scale of Attack

Number of Attacks

Terrorist/Insurgent Attack Mode
Explosive Device

Explosive Device Size

Suicide Attack

Type and Subtype of Target

Target Ownership Country

Target Ownership Sector
Government (and Diplomatic)
Non Terrorist/Insurgent Fatalities 1
Terrorist/Insurgent Fatalities 0
Total Fatalities 1
Non Terrorist/Insurgent Wounded 1
Terrorist/Insurgent Wounded 0
Total Wounded 1
Description of Injuries
Number of Hostages 0
Damage Scale
Damage Description
Source BBC
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