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Thursday, May 04, 2006


Kabul, 4 May (AKI) - The Afghan warlord whom the US has labelled a wanted global terrorist, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, has released a video that aired Thursday on the Arabic satellite TV channel Al Jazeera. The video contains the familiar rhetoric against the West, also used on other videos also recently released Al Jazeera by al-Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Abu Musad al-Zarqawi. The only difference in Hekmatyar's video appears to be the poor quality of the recording.

The message by the leader of the Hezb-e-Islami, who served as prime minister in Kabul in 1992, was clear: he has definitively abandoned dialogue with the authorities in Kabul to form an alliance with al-Qaeda. The hardline Islamist also attacked the United States and the European Union, blamed for not having accepted bin Laden's ceasefire offer.

"There is no doubt that Osama's choice was right and it is the Europeans and the Americans that are wrong," he said. "They are the ones who declared war to Muslims by attacking Afghanistan and occupied the assets of the Muslims who have offered them a peace accord."

Hekmatyar praised Osama bin Laden and his number two, Egyptian medic, Ayman al-Zawahiri, thanking them for the contribution given by the Arab mujahadeen in the struggle against the Americans adding that "we hope to fight in the same battle together with them."

The warlord also criticised the Northern Alliance, accusing them of being financed by the Americans and concluded with an unusual verbal attack against Iran accusing them of having supported the American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

The rection from Iran to these accusations was swift.

"I am shocked that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar accuses Iran of having allowed the American occupation of Kabul and Baghdad," said Muhammad Shariati, the political advisor to the former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami, in an interview with Al Jazeera. "Everyone know that behind him is Pakistan," he said.

The Qatari-based channel interviewed the Iranian political scientist to comment on the video released by the Afghan warlord.

"I am astonished that he has included Iran, because it is evident that the invasion of Afghanistan was followed by logistical help from Pakistan, and it is evident that Pakistan is behind him and because of this he has attacked our country," said Shariati.

In his message, Hekmatyar also criticised Islamabad, but his most vehement criticism was directed at the role played by Iran in the Iraqi crisis.

According to Hekmatyar, the former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani had publicly declared his willingness to collaborate with the United States to control the situation in Iraq.

In the video that was aired on Al Jazeera on Thursday, Hekmatyar spoke in Arabic and read a message using the stile that has been used by al-Qaeda leaders Osama Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. On his right there was a kalashnikov leaning against the wall, and he was wearing a black turban that also fell over his left shoulder.
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